
Businessowners Policy and Endorsement Analysis

Personal Lines and Small Business

About This Product

Businessowners Policy and Endorsement Analysis ​provides interpretations of and insights into the Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO), businessowners policy (BOP) and micro-businessowners policy (micro-BOP) forms, the American Association of Insurance Services (AAIS) businessowners policy, and the many endorsements used with these policy forms. ​

With your subscription, you will receive the following.​​

  • ​Authoritative analysis of the coverage terms of both the ISO and AAIS BOP and the ISO micro-BOP​
  • ​Discussions of each of the approximately 300 countrywide BOP and micro-BOP endorsements​
  • ​Samples of all ISO and AAIS businessowners forms and endorsements​
  • ​Insights into BOP eligibility requirements​

How Can This Resource Help You?

Agents and Brokers

  • Tailor coverage with the standard endorsementsThere are over 150 BOP endorsements and 23 micro-BOP endorsements that can add or remove coverage from the basic policy. Descriptions and analyses of each endorsement can help you request enhancements to cover your client’s unique risks or understand the impact of a restrictive endorsement your underwriter wants to add.
  • Advocate for coverage after a loss—There is nothing more embarrassing than having a customer’s claim improperly denied under a policy you sold them. When this happens it’s your job to become their advocate and make a case for coverage to apply. IRMI analyses of the policy provisions provide powerful support for your coverage arguments.
  • Educate agency staff—insurance is a knowledge business. The more knowledgeable your team the more successful it will be. Assign weekly readings from the publication and then discuss them at staff or sales meetings. The entire team will learn together, benefiting from each other’s knowledge and experience. 
  • Conduct an exposure analysis—Some insurance buyers, particularly for larger companies, know what their exposures are and exactly what limits of insurance they need. Most insurance buyers for small and mid-size businesses rely on the agent to guide them through the exposure analysis process. The businessowners checklist can be used to create a systematic method to identify property and liability loss exposures faced by the customer’s business. The checklist is also a great way to document whether the customer declined certain coverages in the event of an E&O claim. 


  • Determine what endorsements to add—Sometimes you want to write an account but there are certain exposures you don’t want to cover. Other times your agents request certain coverage endorsements be added and you must decide whether to agree. Descriptions and analyses of each standard endorsement will help you make both of these types of decisions. 
  • Answer questions from agents—Agents often depend on underwriters to explain how coverage will apply under different scenarios. Frequently these questions rise up from insureds. The coverage analyses in the publication will help your underwriting team quickly and confidently respond.
  • Become a coverage expert—The most effective underwriters have knowledge and experience. Retirements are eliminating both from the workforce. The descriptions and analyses in this publication will put instant expertise at the fingertips of your underwriters, and accomplishing a reading list every week will transfer that knowledge into their brains. 

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Product Description

Businessowners Policy and Endorsement Analysis covers the following topics.

  • ISO businessowners policy (BOP)​
  • ​ISO micro-businessowners policy (micro-BOP)​
  • ​AAIS businessowners policy (BOP)​
  • ​Eligibility for BOP and micro-BOP​
  • ​Key changes in the current editions of the BOP​

Benefits to You

  • Deep analysis of standard BOPs and endorsements that will help you ensure your small business clients are properly covered​
  • ​Sample copies of all standard BOP forms and endorsements​
  • ​Insight and third-party support when negotiating claims disputes on behalf of your insureds or communicating the rationale behind a denial​
  • Quickly familiarize yourself with BOP endorsements and coverage options to help with underwriting decisions​
  • ​Use the explanations of BOP policy and endorsement provisions help you to quickly and confidently answer questions posed by brokers and your insureds​
  • ​Stay up-to-date on changes to BOP policy forms and endorsements ​
  • Analysis of the scope and intent of the BOP property and liability coverages​
  • ​Explanation of the intent behind BOP exclusions and how they may or may not apply to a particular claim​
  • ​Review of related endorsements and how they impact the scope of coverage under the policy​
  • In the absence of legal precedent, provides you with valuable insight into what the policy forms and endorsements do and do not cover​
  • ​Current and historical ISO and AAIS BOP policy forms provide an invaluable resource for litigation involving current and past policy provisions​

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