
Classification Cross-Reference

Workers Comp

About This Product

You'll save huge amounts of time with this best-selling, easy-to-use guide.

The updated edition of Classification Cross Reference includes the latest changes to the ISO CGL, NAICS, NCCI, and certain states whose workers comp codes differ significantly from NCCI—California, Delaware, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

This handy tool is a must-have for anyone involved with determining the correct worker's compensation or general liability codes. It is quick and easy to use when matching workers' comp class codes to the appropriate CGL class code, SIC code, or NAICS code. Knowing any one of these will allow you to find the other classification codes you need.

This incredibly powerful online resource allows you to sort, search, and scan the codes in almost any manner you can imagine. You'll have access to NAICS descriptions with more details just a click away, meaning you can read the description without the need to visit another website!

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Product Description

This best-selling resource has always been popular because it saves agents, CSRs, premium auditors, and underwriters huge amounts of time in selecting or verifying the correct classification code.

Classification Cross-Reference includes the following.

  • Alphabetical and Numerical Cross-References
  • NCCI Workers Compensation Codes
  • California Workers Compensation Codes
  • Delaware and Pennsylvania Workers Compensation Codes
  • Michigan Workers Compensation Codes
  • New Jersey Workers Compensation Codes
  • New York Workers Compensation Codes
  • Texas Workers Compensation Codes
  • ISO Commercial General Liability Codes
  • Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes
  • North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) Codes

Benefits to You

  • Prevent internal errors and/or identify errors in competitors' classification assignments.
  • Save an enormous amount of time and effort when corresponding classification codes are needed.
  • Risk managers who do not wish to obtain and maintain classification/rating manuals will find it to be a useful and inexpensive listing of the workers compensation and general liability classification descriptions and applicable codes.
  • Risk managers of professional employment organizations (PEOs) who must ensure that many different types of businesses are properly classified find this handy guide to be enormously valuable.
  • Quickly and accurately answer classification questions with this extremely easy-to-use field guide that will enhance thoroughness during audits.
  • A great help when arguing cases over proper determination of workers comp or liability insurance premiums.
  • Identify errors in classification assignments to reduce your client's premiums.
  • Save an enormous amount of time and effort when corresponding classification codes are needed for specifications or RFPs.

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