
Construction Risk Management


About This Product

Construction Risk Management will help you understand the construction-specific nuances of risk management, learn where standard insurance programs have unique implications for contractors, and stay on top of emerging strategies for managing construction risks.

Viewed through the lens of the construction risk or insurance professional, Construction Risk Management provides you with a better understanding of construction risks and strategies for mitigating, transferring and insuring those risks. Learn how risks are commonly allocated in a construction project and how to identify and close gaps between a contractor's insurance coverages and the risks it assumes.

Stay on top of statutory changes and judicial rulings that impact contractor's liabilities as well as the coverage they are counting on to respond to such liabilities. As a risk management or insurance adviser, you will be better equipped to answer questions and provide informed recommendations that will gain your client's trust.  

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Product Details

Construction Risk Management covers these topics.

  • Introduction to Risk Management
  • Insurance Program Administration
  • Loss Exposures and Underwriting Considerations
  • Loss Control
  • Risk Financing
  • Insurance
  • Construction Defects Coverage
  • Contractors Equipment Coverage
  • Contractors Pollution Coverage
  • Contractors Professional Liability
  • Subcontractor Default Insurance
  • Builders Risk Insurance
  • Professional Liability
  • Wrap-Ups/OCIPs & CCIPs
  • Contractual Risk Transfer Techniques
  • Contract Claims Litigation
  • Surety
  • Construct Insurance Checklists
  • Construction Risk Management Tips

Benefits to You

  • Identify common gaps in contractors' insurance policies and specify special policy endorsements and manuscript wording needed to properly cover unique construction exposures.
  • State-by-state analysis of laws governing hold harmless provisions in contracts help you determine whether contract hold harmless clauses are out-of-line with the requirements of the states in which your client operates.
  • Will help you determine if you should recommend the purchase of contractor pollution liability (CPL) insurance to cover your client's environmental exposures. Insight like this, with third-party support to your recommendations, strengthens client relationships with resulting growth in your business.
  • Understand and explain to others the completed operations coverage gap that your contractors may face after the closeout of a wrap-up under which they were insured, and how to arrange their policies to close it.
  • Identify common gaps in your insurance policies and work with your broker at applying special endorsements and manuscript wording needed to properly cover unique construction exposures.
  • State-by-state analysis of laws governing hold-harmless provisions in contracts helps you determine whether contract hold harmless clauses are out-of-line with the requirements of the states in which you operate.
  • Will help you determine if you should purchase CPL insurance to cover your environmental exposures.
  • Develop an understanding of the interplay between completed operations liability coverage and defective construction claims, and the key components to address in your insurance program to maximize your protection.
  • Identify often overlooked professional liability exposures and learn how to insure them.
  • Helps answer tough questions and solve problems posed by your agents, brokers, and insureds.
  • Third-party support to your answers and recommendations will reinforce client trust.
  • Excellent training tool for your staff about the unique risks of contractors, appropriate risk management strategies, and the contractual issues between the general contractor, project owner, and subcontractors.
  • Includes 626 case citations.
  • Helps you answer tough questions and give proper guidance to your clients
  • Identify coverage best practices for construction companies to help increase your value-added service to clients.
  • Hone your ability to draft appropriate insurance specifications for contracts.
  • Identify common gaps in your insurance policies and how to employ special endorsements and manuscript wording to properly cover unique exposures.
  • State-by-state analysis of laws governing hold harmless provisions in contracts helps you determine whether contract hold harmless clauses are out-of-line with the requirements of the states in which your clients operate.
  • Will help you determine if you should recommend CPL insurance to cover environmental exposures.
  • Explain the interplay between completed operations liability coverage and defective construction claims, and the key components to address in your insurance program to maximize your protection.
  • Identify often overlooked professional liability exposures and learn how to insure them.
  • This valuable insight will help justify your fees and enhance client trust and referrals.

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